A municipal GIS system is a GIS system which manages various tasks of a municipality such as property tax, birth, and death registration, socioeconomic data management and holding registration amongst other tasks. The municipal GIS service also assists in the generation of a geospatial view of the current municipal area linked with the corresponding up-to-date database.

The databases ideally possess attributes of every individual property with information such as landowner, co-owner, mailing & permanent address, house style, built year, individual room measurements, compliance with the regulations of the building authorities, public / private utilities mapping to the plot, street characteristics, and amenities. There can also be a provision of linking every individual plot with their digital photographs, and a link to the map showing the location of the plot.

The updated spatial and non-spatial database on the Municipal GIS system helps the concerned municipality to export and print the generated maps for any specific usage by the concerned field officer, or the property owner at any point of time thereby saving cost and time.